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 Want to be a speaker? Do you have your finger on the mobile future? Do you want to share a development that will change the way people communicate? We would love to hear your proposal to be a speaker on our stage. 

 Submit your speaking proposal today!

 2017 Overview NEW In 2017: For the first time, all MWC Shanghai keynotes and conference summits will be held in SNIEC Hall W3. Offering world-class built-in facilities, the venue change will provide attendees with an unprecedented conference experience as well as convenient access to the exhibition. You can expect more track sessions, more industry leaders, and more senior level executives attending our event in 2017 than ever before.

 The full conference and summit agenda will be available soon, but here is what you can expect:

  .summit th{text-align: center;} .summit td{font-size:16px;line-height:20px;border:1px solid #ccc;text-align: center;} @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {.summit th{font-size:10px;line-height:13px;padding:5px !important;word-wrap: break-word;}.summit td{font-size:10px;line-height:13px;padding:5px !important;}}    Day 1: Wednesday, 28 June   Opening Ceremony & Opening Keynote   Day 1 Keynote   MMIX Asia Summit Transforming Industries Summit Operator Evolution Strategies Summit Data Security Summit   Day 2: Thursday, 29 June   Day 2 Keynote   Global Device Summit IoT Summit Network Evolution Summit Digital Consumer Summit   Day 3: Friday, 30 June   Day 3 Keynote   Connected Vehicle Summit Future Tech Summit Enterprise & The Cloud Summit VR & AR Summit   

    MMIX Asia Summit

  Based on the success of the previous Entertainment Unlimited Summit and MMIX Asia Summit, the summit in 2017 features hot topics with continuing emphasis on the convergence of content, distribution and monetization strategies as well as the video streaming.

  This summit creates a platform to meet influential industry leaders driving the development of entertainment content and partnership with content providers, broadcasters, video platforms and technologies providers. 

   Transforming Industries Summit

  Different industries worldwide are all on the cusp of a revolution. To remain competitive and stay ahead of the pack, those industries are facing increasing pressure to innovate. New technologies are offering not only to make the management of production work more effective, but work itself smarter. Progressive players in industries around the world are already embracing the technologies and benefits of mobility, digitalization, IoT, Big Data/ Smart Data, Robotics, Cloud and Mobility. However, this explosion of interconnected technologies brings challenges that the industries are struggling to keep up with. Also, there are still many questions to be answered. The Transforming Industries Summit will gather a diverse group of industry players and technology enablers to talk about how the mega tech trends impact different industry groups and their global competitiveness.

   Operator Evolution Strategies Summit

  In line with the evolution of mobile technologies and expansion in the adoption of smartphones and other connected devices, the operator’s revenue growth rate is slowing down in the past few years. Meanwhile the main revenue sources of operators have shifted from voice and SMS to data communications and other non-telecom services. Along with the changes of users’ habits, domestic and overseas mobile operators are extending their business scope to emerging fields beyond conventional telecoms operations. According to global statistical reports, operators from almost all developed and developing countries have realized the significance of a new business strategy.

  The operator evolution strategies summit at MWC Shanghai 2017 will discuss the opportunities and challenges that mobile operators are facing in the new business environment. The summit will invite Chinese and international mobile operators to share their strategy and experience, and will also invite companies in the mobile ecosystem to join in the discussion and explore how to collaborate better in the digital future. 

   Data Security Summit

  Worldwide data leaks and hacks have begun to undermine confidence in digital services - just when more people and things are becoming connected than ever before. For consumers, it is hard to know who or what to trust online. 

  For businesses, loss of user trust can be crippling, leading to revenue losses, brand damage, executive firings and share price falls. While preventing breaches would be the ideal solution, today many companies struggle with even knowing they have been breached – the average time to detect a problem is over 6 months. The spread of data protection regulation and breach notification laws will help protect consumers but add challenges to the business. Managing the reporting and response to a breach is, for a company and its executives, becoming critical for the company’s valuation and its ongoing business success. 

  However, a strong position in security and managing customer data will increasingly be a source of future business differentiation. How can companies manage this, and what is the role of mobile for successful companies? Find out here, and send your questions (anonymously) to our expert Advice Clinic. 

   Global Device Summit

  While the capabilities of high-end smartphones continue to evolve, the global market for such phones is set to be challenging at best. Within APAC the spread of smartphones is slowing as many top-end and middle markets become saturated. How can manufacturers create compelling propositions to reach a new generation of consumers and excite existing customers?

  The answers are there, and have the potential to reshape the way that people interact with the digital world. New forms of user-friendly interfaces and cloud-based intelligence will allow devices to reach new markets and perform in very new ways. Meanwhile companies and governments are becoming smarter about how they re-use, repurpose and recycle devices and e-waste, enabling new forms of value creation and business model for manufacturers and retailers. Meanwhile, the development of eSIM and spread of forerunner soft SIMs looks set to reinvigorate the dynamics of traditional markets as well as boost the IoT market.

  There is no doubt that the market dynamics that catapulted Apple and Samsung to leading positions are changing. Far from sounding a death-knell to the device industry as we know it, visionaries are looking forward to a period of unprecedented change and opportunity. Hear from them at the Global Device Summit 2017. 

   IoT Summit

  Internet of Things technologies are extending existing business models to a more comprehensive cross-industry concept which allow companies to push beyond the data, analytics, intelligence and interactive boundaries and allow people to enjoy a more connected lifestyle. The marketing of IoT will continue to soar in 2017 with new ideas and technologies. The GSMA predicts there will be 27 billion connected devices by 2020 and the number of mobile connected devices is expected to be 10.5 billion by 2020, resulting in a huge new market opportunity, predominantly in the M2M and consumer electronics sectors.

  During the last two years’ IoT Summits at MWC Shanghai, the GSMA brought together speakers and attendees from the entire industry ecosystem to discuss the new technology and explore how to build a smarter IoT future. The summit at MWC Shanghai 2017 will continue to lead the industry to explore the latest developments in IoT, discuss the challenges in scaling and demonstrate how to bring the concept to reality. 

   Network Evolution Summit

  The pace of technology change over the past five years has been staggering and is only accelerating. Meanwhile, the projected growth in digital traffic over the next five years will demand much faster evolution in most countries. To profitably meet the demand for services, and to create new business opportunities, operators globally are faced with radical transformation and a race against time. 

  Already we are seeing some amazing developments harnessing a wide variety of technologies. Automation, virtualisation, cloud, machine learning and advanced radio technologies are all making significant differences. It will be the combination of all these technologies together on a path leading ultimately to 5G that creates the radical change in capabilities that operators need. 

  However, technology alone is not enough. To deliver the capabilities and services of the future will also require operators to change their processes, skills base, culture and relationships with a value chain which is, itself, changing fast.

  Where is the industry today and how can it meet the demands of 5 years’ time? Join the debate in this fast-paced and interactive stream. 

   Digital Consumer Summit

  More people around the world have mobile phones than toothbrushes. This is creating access to information, to markets - and to advertising - in a way that has never been seen before. With increasing penetration of digital services, users’ behaviors and their relationships are evolving rapidly: to their mobile provider; to each other; to governments; to markets and advertisers. As more people come online through mobile, the economic base for major parts of societies are changing, especially at the base of the pyramid.

  The economic benefits of increasing mobile penetration are well-known and to be encouraged, but – especially among users who may be unfamiliar with online fraud - how do we combine growth with appropriate consumer protections and education? With large parts of the population still unconnected, how do we reach them with compelling and affordable services? What lessons from other parts of the world can we apply to APAC markets? And, in turn, how will the changing face of APAC’s connected consumers change industry and policy as we know them today? 

   Connected Vehicle Summit

  The increasing consumer demand for car connectivity and intelligence has been a key driver of the connected vehicle market. Meanwhile, governments around the world are starting to issue or preparing to issue regulations and policies on telematics and connected vehicles. According to a forecast by GSMA Intelligence, the connected vehicle market will be worth $358bn by 2020. 

  The ‘connected vehicle’ refers not only to in-car technology but also to a lifestyle and new business model for car services. The connected vehicle ecosystem, including car manufactures/OEMs, Internet companies, service providers, MNOs and government authorities are actively working together to accelerate the growth in this market. 

  The Connected Vehicle Summit at MWC Shanghai will bring together the entire ecosystem to discuss hot topics from ADASs, C-ITS, to applications such as traffic safety, parking assistance, roadside assistance, remote diagnostics and more. Most importantly, we will also explore cross-industry cooperation in building the ecosystem. 

   Future Tech Summit

  What will consumer tech innovation look like 10, 20 or 30 years from now? How will technology change our lives over the decades? How will new technology impact business? And what should we do to shape the future of global technology? 

  The Future Tech Summit will bring together the global leaders of innovation, technology and business, futurists, scientists and pioneers to decode the future of global trends and technologies. 

   Enterprise and The Cloud Summit

  In the digital era, enterprises globally are moving legacy IT infrastructure to a more open, cost effective and agile cloud platform. Enterprise cloud strategy has become a crucial business growth accelerator to many industries, and more than half of organizations identified cloud as beneficial for growing business efficiency, allowing them to stand out from the competition by reacting more quickly to the market and developing new products and services faster. 

  The Enterprise & The Cloud Summit at MWC Shanghai 2017 will bring together enterprises and cloud ecosystem players to discuss how cloud services can benefit the enterprise, and demonstrate the positive impact that a cloud transformation strategy can bring. The summit will also discuss issues of concern including cloud security, cloud monetization and agile cloud services. 

   VR & AR Summit

  2016 has been a fruitful year for VR, with several dedicated VR devices successfully debuting on the market and sales surpassing our initial expectations. Following the great success of the VR summit in 2016, GSMA elevates and brings back the 2nd Annual VR& AR Summit at MWC Shanghai 2017, featuring the hot topics with the continued emphasis on VR/ AR devices, content production, use cases, investment and innovation, further expanding to the exploration and discovery of VR & AR’s potential to create new markets and disrupt the existing ones. 

  The VR & AR Summit at MWC Shanghai is a dedicated platform where key players can meet industry leaders driving the VR & AR technology and market development and partner with the hardware companies, content producers, technology providers, investors and VR & AR startups. 

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 2016 Keynote Speakers included:

  .namelist tr td{font-size:17px;padding:15px;}      Zhang Chunhui President of OS Business Group, Alibaba   Glenn Lurie President and CEO, AT&T Mobility and Consumer Operations     Dr. Ya-Qin Zhang President, Baidu   Wang Naixiang Chairman, China Financial Asset Exchange     Li Yue President & CEO, China Mobile   Yang Jie Executive Director, Chairman & CEO, China Telecom     Ulf Ewaldsson CTO, Ericsson   Jon Fredrik Baksaas Chairman, GSMA     Mats Granryd Director General, GSMA   Alvin Graylin President, HTC China     Takashi Tanaka President, KDDI   Kazuhiro Yoshizawa President and CEO, NTT DOCOMO     Didier Lamouche CEO, Oberthur Technologies   Cristiano R. Amon President, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies & EVP Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.     Teddy Zee Film Producer, Media & Technology Executive, TEDDY ZEE PRODUCTIONS   Zhao Xianming Chairman and President, ZTE Corporation              Subscribeto Emails     Press/Analysts Exhibitor Zone 中文ConferenceConference Overview Become a Speaker         Save 10% on Passes Limited discount Claim Your 10% Pass Discount Limited-time 10% discounts are available ...

    Register.cnmenu{display:none;}.inside .post-password-form input {background-color: #ccc;}   Become a Speaker Key dates & Call for Papers        2017 Brochure Overview of the 2017 event Whether this is your first-ever Mobile World Congress Shanghai or you’...

    2017 Exhibitors   Become an Exhibitor#pwbox-13507{background-color: #c1c1c1;}        Get Involved#pwbox-13779{background-color: #ccc;} Participate at MWC Shanghai! What better event than MWC Shanghai 2017 to reach the worldwide mobile...

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